Clipper House Restaurant

The Clipper House Restaurant was built by Midway Phoenix Corp.
MPC employed a full-time French Chef to provide fine dining for residents and visitors.

After MPC made their exit from the island, on May 1, 2002, the Clipper House Restaurant became the island’s only location for daily meals – primarily serving island residents and contractors.

MVC-359F MVC-363F MVC-364F MVC-367F Rest4 Rest5 Rest7 Rest9 Rest11024 BoardWalk Clipper_Entrance Clipper_High_View Clipper_Porch Clipper4 Clipper5 Clipper6 ClipperDeck ClipperDeck1 ClipperDinning ClipperEntrance ClipperH1 ClipperH2 ClipperH3 ClipperHouse ClipperHouse_BackView ClipperHouse_Bar OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA ClipperHouse_Beach_HiView ClipperHouse_Breakfast_Table ClipperHouse_Deck1 ClipperHouse_Deck2 ClipperHouse_Entrance ClipperHouse_Front ClipperHouse_WestView ClipperHouse2_HiView ClipperHouseSign ClipperWalk ClipperWalk2 Inside_ClipperHouse

2 thoughts on “Clipper House Restaurant

  1. Going there tonight again, the food is still pretty good, though the presentation isn’t as nice. I recommend the Midway Burger for lunch on Wednesdays.

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