President Obama Visits Midway

Congressman Duncan – 2003 –
“Having a wildlife refuge or a national memorial that only bureaucrats can visit does not make a whole lot of sense.”

President Obama visited Midway on September 1, 2016

Here are a collection of videos and media articles about his visit to the island

►December 4, 2016 – A memorial few see
Public not allowed to visit historic Midway Atoll for years; wildlife protection is focus
The San Diego Union Tribune, Jones and Lederman write for The Associated Press

►September 2, 2016 – Midway: Why Barack Obama visited a tiny island in the Pacific
CNN, by Nick Thompson

►September 2, 2016 – Obama Visits Faraway Speck Of Sand Furthering His Legacy Of Conservation

►September 1, 2016 – Obama, on historic Midway Island, touts his conservation efforts
USA TODAY, by Gregory Korte

►September 1, 2016 – Obama Visits Midway, Highlighting Monument and Commitment to Environment
The New York Times, by Julie Hirschfeld